

Access from the Airport

Limousine bus from Kansai International Airport

The airport limousine bus leaves from Loading Zone No. 8 just outside the north entrance of the first-floor arrival lobby of the Kansai International Airport. It takes approximately 88 minutes to central Kyoto. The last limousine bus to Kansai International Airport leaves at 21:10.

【Bus Fare】
Adult: 2,550 yen/Child: 1,280 yen
Round-trip discount fare
Adult: 4,180 yen

【Bus Departure and Arrival Locations】
Kyoto Station (Departure/Arrival): Outside the Hachijō Entrance at Loading Zone No. 6 Sanjō Keihan (Departure/Arrival): Sanjō Keihan Loading Zone No. 15
Departures from Kansai International Airport: Loading Zone No. 8 outside the first floor international arrival lobby of the passenger terminal (Please buy a ticket from the ticket-vending machine)
Arrivals to Kansai International Airport: In front of the fourth-floor international departure lobby of the passenger terminal

By limousine bus from Osaka-Itami International Airport

The airport limousine bus leaves from Osaka-Itami International Airport South Terminal Loading Zone 15 and the North Terminal Loading Zone 5. After this, it will proceed to Kyoto. It takes approximately 50-55 minutes to central Kyoto. The last bus from Kyoto Station to Osaka-Itami International Airport leaves at 18:55.

【Bus Fare】
Adult: 1,310 yen/Child: 660 yen

【Bus Departure and Arrival Locations】
Kyoto Station (Departure/Arrival): You can get on outside the Karasuma Entrance (in front of the Hotel New Hankyu Kyoto) and Hachijō Entrance (in front of AVANTI).
Shijō Kawaramachi (Departure/Arrival): From the Shijō Kawaramachi intersection, please travel south along the MARUI department store about 80 meters to get to the bus stop terminal

Access from the main hotel


Access by train

Access from a distance place

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